Realization of the Antonin Dacha

Ready-made houses, sometimes also called prefabricated houses, are very popular in Western Europe. In Poland, such houses are only just beginning to gain recognition from investors. What are their advantages, what makes more and more people decide on this method of building their dream home?

We took the opportunity to learn more about this topic and asked a few questions to Ms. Paulina Nowicka, who, as an investor, is currently completing such a construction.

Where did the idea to build a prefab house come from, and what was the deciding factor?

Paulina Nowicka: I have a plot of land in the picturesque Jizera Mountains and for some time I wanted to build a small house on it. Since I am a very busy person who does not have time to often supervise the construction, I was basically determined to have a ready-made house right away.

What made you choose Domki Marysia to build your home?

PN: While browsing the internet, I came across many companies offering to build a house. After checking the opinions on forums, it turned out that a large part of these companies are just starting out, others have had cases of not very successful cooperation with clients, and still others have an offer that was not tailored to my needs. The choice of Domki Marysia was somewhat random, but it turned out to be a good decision.

Antoni's dacha

What ultimately convinced you to entrust the construction of your house to this contractor and not another?

PN: First of all, the company's flexibility in its approach to clients. From the beginning, I had a fairly clear idea of ​​what my house should look like; I didn't want a traditional, brick recreational house, like the ones you see dozens of times. I wanted a modern and elegant small house that would give a sense of space and be functional at the same time.

And you found such a house in the offer of Marysia Houses?

PN: Not exactly. The house that is being built on my plot is a variation on several house designs from the DM offer. It is more of a synthesis than an adaptation of one specific model. Moreover, this synthesis turned out to be so successful that with some changes it ended up as another house in the offer of Domki Marysia.

Now you surprised me a bit, does that mean that it was practically an individual project, carried out especially for you?

PN: In principle, yes. The cooperation with the contractor's architect turned out to be very important here, who took into account my suggestions and needs and combined them in one small but very functional house.

You mentioned that it is a small house offering a lot of space and a sense of comfort, how did you manage to achieve this?

PN: We used several simple but extremely effective solutions, we focused on very good lighting of the house and above-standard, for such a small house, interior height. Such combinations work very well. The almost entirely glazed gable wall is of particular importance here. It allows for excellent lighting of the interior, giving it a modern look. On the other hand, the applied divisions of glass refer to the traditional architecture of post-and-beam houses, characteristic of this region.

You mentioned the Jizera Mountains and the beautiful location of the plot, it certainly has many advantages as a location for a house intended to provide respite, but it certainly created many challenges during the project implementation stage?

PN: Of course, it required a bit more earthworks to prepare the foundations and parking spaces; such areas have their own requirements in this respect.

How long did it take to build the house?

PN: The construction of the skeleton itself went very quickly, actually. It was already standing after 2-3 days. The works related to wall cladding, insulation and finishing took a bit longer. I was keen on the quality of the materials and the appearance, which would match the beautiful landscape around. The works started in November and are now on the final stretch.

Does this mean that the house is not made of prefabricated elements?

PN: Due to the fact that, as I mentioned, it was practically an individual project, it is de facto built using frame technology.

The advantage of prefabricated and ready-made houses is a shorter construction time and no downtime. In the case of your construction, were they avoided?

PN: Rather yes, I didn't notice any problems related to that. Even if there were any breaks during construction, they were rather the result of technological requirements, for example, concrete drying and the like. Apart from that, in a well-run cooperation, attention is not paid to any minor problems that may arise on the construction site.

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You slightly anticipated my next question, because I wanted to ask whether you are satisfied with the course of construction works and cooperation with Domki Marysia as the contractor?

PN: Building even a small house is a complicated process and probably not everything was perfect, but I am really happy. Prefabricated houses are a very good solution for all those who have no experience in construction and are too busy to afford to search for and organize the work of subsequent teams, and especially to frequent visits to the construction site and supervise the progress of the work.

I understand that if you were to build another house, you would also choose ready-made houses?

PN: In a sense, it has already failed, because my parents, observing the efficient progress of the construction, decided that they would build their house near Wrocław in the same way.

One more question at the end of our conversation, what would you recommend to anyone who decides to buy a prefab house?

PN: It's worth checking the layout of the rooms and the size of the furniture. Will there really be enough space for what we need? Do we need all the rooms? Maybe it's worth giving up some and enlarging others? It's definitely worth considering the cost of connections and other infrastructure. But above all, you should carefully check what the scope of work is in the contract. Because it can vary greatly depending on the contractor.

Contractor Perspective:

Dorota Burzec, CEO of Domki Marysia: "The implementation of this project was an ambitious task for us. From the beginning we knew that the Investor had clearly defined expectations, was very dynamic and we had to keep up with her pace.

We started working together already at the stage of obtaining administrative consents. Initially, we were heading towards the implementation of the model Cottage Marysia 01, but during the talks, it turned out that the project was developing and Dacza Antoniów would not be a typical cottage from our portfolio. It was to be a "rental" project, a place for lovers of design and panoramic views, consisting of several buildings: Cottage 35 m2 with a mezzanine (completed) and a complex of buildings with Cottage no. 2, with a characteristic elevation of a half-timbered wall, typical for the Antoniów area (design), combined with a modern pergola and a greenhouse".

Antoni's dacha

Antoni's dacha

The designer effect is completed by a beautiful brick floor, which also refers to the architecture of the Antoniów area.

Antoni's dacha

A greenhouse with a seating area will make your future stay at the Antoniv Dacha more enjoyable.

The ground floor of Dacha Antoniów is a beautifully designed space for relaxation by the fireplace, combined with a kitchenette and a pleasant dining room, designed by Arch. Piotr Łucki.

The bathroom is the pride of the Investor! The beautiful washbasin was hand-made by Paulina Nowicka.

Guests of Dacza can also enjoy handmade dishes made by Paulina Nowicka in Qu Pracownia

"I am glad that we managed to achieve an effect that is not much different from the visualization. I am incredibly proud of our team. I am also grateful to the Investor for her patience and understanding during the implementation stage of this project," says Dorota Burzec.

The basis for the Antoniów Dacha project was our model House Marysia 01, which you can find here: