Przegląd ciekawych ofert terenów pod domy rekreacyjne w okolicy Warszawy

Overview of interesting offers of land for recreational homes in the Warsaw area

Overview of interesting offers of land for recreational homes in the Warsaw area

Many people I have daily contact with are looking for an interesting plot of land for a recreational investment. Unfortunately, there has been a lot of activity in this area recently and more interesting projects are quickly being sold out. Many people also have a problem with assessing the possibility of building a plot of land. You call me asking about building a recreational house on plots in the forest or somewhere where it is NOT POSSIBLE to legally build any object other than setting up a tent. There is also no such thing as a "building not connected to the ground", which supposedly allows the construction of 35 m2 houses without any permits.

Below are my personal picks of interesting areas along with potential building blocks that can be located and costs. After clicking on the link, you enter the area pin.

South of Warsaw

Area: Pilica, Warka, Biała Góra, Głowaczów, Rządza.

The advantage and common feature of all the selected locations is the idyllic region and recreational development. The close proximity of the forest, the close proximity of the river. All areas have a regulated planning situation, i.e. they either have development conditions or are covered by the local development plan, thanks to which construction can actually take place on these lands. I have selected plots for houses "on application", I can prepare another list with plots for larger properties.

- Biała Góra . Plot of land 5,200 m2, price 35 PLN/m2, possibility of division into plots of 1000 m2. Nicely forested, which is not an advantage for everyone, of course. Pilica is on the other side of the river. What can be built there? Holiday cottages up to 35 m2.

- Głowaczów, Stromecka Forest . Plot of land 1100 m2, price PLN 100/m2. Unique area due to its location about 200 m from the Radomka River and the surroundings of Stromecka Forest. It is already fully developed and has development conditions that allow for the construction of a 35 m2 house.

- Rządza, on the Rządza River . Interesting plot on the river, with the possibility of building two houses. The current buildings are suitable for demolition. Media connected but would also require an increase in "power". It is possible to build 2 houses of 35 sq m.

The houses that may be built on these areas are, for example, the Marysia "Nowoczesna Stodoła" houses.

The house below is a building "on application", the price given is for a building in a developer's condition. The cost of finishing depends on the standard of workmanship.

Report the construction of a modern barn house

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