A 70 sq m house can be built upon request today
A 70 sq m house can be built upon request today
Not many people know, but a "house on notification" does not have to be only 35 square meters. The amendment to the provisions of the Building Law Act, which came into force, allowed for more exemptions from building permits. You do not have to wait until the end of the year for the introduction of the "New Deal" laws to build a 70 square meter house "on notification".
The key issue is for the designer to decide whether the planned investment, with its location and parameters, will have an impact on neighboring plots or existing development. Among other things, it is verified whether the designed house meets the restrictions contained in the regulation on technical conditions that buildings and their location should meet, including:
- shading: will the new building impact on potential sunlight restrictions on existing neighbouring buildings;
- determining fire protection conditions, i.e. whether appropriate distances from neighbouring buildings and the plot boundary will be met;
- adjusting the distance between our installations and the neighbour and the plot boundary in terms of: location of the septic tank, domestic sewage treatment plant, well, gas tank;
In addition, the designer verifies whether a given plot is covered by other regulations such as:
- protection of the environment, landscape or nature;
- protection of monuments;
- urban planning guidelines such as water law and public roads.
If our area passes such verification, we can choose the notification route instead of a building permit, even for a house of 70 m2 (and larger).
When reporting, information about the notification is published in the public information bulletin within 3 days of its submission. Then, the body issues an objection decision or the so-called tacit consent of the office to conduct the works within 30 days of the notification. In the absence of any objection, the investor may start construction, about which the district building supervision inspector is notified. He is also informed about the compliance of the construction with the adopted design. After the completion of the construction works, the investor notifies the PINB and if it does not raise any objections within 14 days, the house can be used.
If you are interested in building a house larger than 35 sq m, we invite you to cooperate! Customers who commission us to build receive a site analysis in the price of the construction.
Below we present our projects of 70m2 modular houses, which you can build with us "upon request".
If you would like to build a house on your plot but you are not sure whether your surroundings will allow you to carry out the construction, contact us and you will receive information about the possibilities of carrying out the undertaking in a simplified procedure. The cost of the consultation is 2000 PLN net.
Customers who commission us to build a house receive a free plot analysis!
Contact: domki.marysia@gmail.com